Laura Fishlock

Jul 24, 20203 min

Osteopathy for Ankle injuries

We’ve had a few interesting historic ankle injury patients in the recent months that has sparked this month’s Blog theme on ankle injuries and how you and I can work together to help get you back on your feet – no pun intended.

So, why the ankle?

The ankle joint is the most commonly sprained or strained joint of the body. In 85% of injuries these are sprains. Sprains happened when sudden or violent twist motion of the ankle occurs, putting added stresses on the ligaments. Strains describe a pulled muscle or tendon which can be the result of trauma or overstrain/ overuse. Both sprains and strains give rise to pain at the site of injury and can bring about swelling and limited range of motion, making it difficult to walk.

Our anatomy makes lateral ankle sprains more common as this part of the joint is comparatively more unstable, due to discrepancy in bone length of the tibia and fibula, the fibula extending lower preventing strain on the medial ankle, whereas the tibia doesn’t provide a block the same when the lateral ankle is rolled.

How should I manage my ankle injury?

As soon as possible following injury you should ice the injury. For best results ice should be covered by a towel or cloth and applied to area of swelling for 10-20 mins, every 2-3 hours. As pain and swelling reduce begin to get moving, if comfortable to do so it is better with an acute injury to try moving the ankle as early as possible, to prevent the joint from getting stiff, keep the muscles active and help pump/ flush the inflammatory toxins which in turn reduces the swelling.

How soon can I see an Osteopath?

The sooner you see an Osteopath following an ankle injury the altered gait pattern and compensations can be lessened in their effect. It is recommended to wait 48 hours post injury before seeing an Osteopath, however the appointment can be made and advice on managing your ankle sprain can be provided over the phone.

What to expect during an Osteopathic consultation?

An initial consultation will begin with a full detailed history including presenting complaint, medical health and lifestyle factors to understand the cause of your symptoms. Within this history specific questions regarding your injury will be covered. A follow up appointment includes a shorter case history where a detailed update of your symptoms and response to treatment is recorded, and recovery milestones are noted.

At any appointment type this is then followed by an examination where your posture and movement tests will be observed. Once the examination is complete a diagnosis and treatment plan can be reached. Once these have been discussed and consent to treatment is gained, Osteopathic techniques will be used to form the treatment. So we can access the lower limb fully, if you’re more comfortable bring shorts to wear for this stage of the appointment. During treatment your Osteopath will check you are comfortable, this feedback is important to monitor your pain levels and allows us to select the best techniques for you.

Can I see my Osteopath for an old injury?

If you’ve previously experienced an ankle injury and feel that this is still not 100% or is limiting your return to pre-injury function or activity then book to see an Osteopath. By seeing an Osteopath your biomechanical function can be assessed and compensation strains improved and resolved so you can return to your hobbies and day to day life. Osteopathic techniques are selected to individual patients and may vary from acute and chronic injury.

To make an appointment book here.

