Coming from a sports background and active lifestyle you would think running a 5k would be easy. However, before my couch to 5k journey this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Going for a run seemed boring, a chore, there was always something that would make better use of my time. In hindsight this was all procrastination - avoiding the mental struggle instead of proving to myself that 5k was not out of my reach.
The 1st August 2020 was the day! After persuading mum to join me in the weeks leading up to and planning how we were going to make a regular commitment to running, we were ready. Initially the app seemed too easy, however we followed it run by run. In doing so we didn’t miss the tips on breathing, running stance and pacing. As the weeks progressed it got more challenging, but we kept going even through the cramps and fatigue. Having always been a sprinter, noticing the change in my muscles from fast twitch fibres to slow came with its niggles but this didn’t stop me. Never did I think I could run 8 minutes continuous in week 5 let alone manage 5k non-stop.
At this point we realised we needed to push ourselves more as we had slowed our pace after setting off too quick in the earlier weeks. In fact we were too slow and were only covering 3k in 28 minutes, so we used a distance tracker app and threw ourselves in at the deep end. Instead of running for time we aimed for distance, adding 500m on until we reached our goal. Initially we recorded our first 5k in a time of 41.04 this was a huge accomplishment and the baseline from which we could improve.
After setting one time we were more hungry to run again and again each time cutting fractions off. It was no longer the app that was keeping us going but the determination to get quicker and the ‘high’ we felt after our morning run.
Our couch to 5k experience was never easy and running first thing as the summer mornings faded was a shock. But we stuck at it and have kept running for the following health benefits;
Boosts your mood
Improved cardiovascular health
Stress relief
Feel more energised
Sleep better
Feel fitter
Good for your health - reduces risk of age related diseases
Interested in learning more about our couch to 5k experience and how it’s become part of our lifestyle then get in touch via email or our contact form. We’d love to hear from you and help you start your couch to 5k journey.