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Fascia - the internal body network

Writer's picture: Laura FishlockLaura Fishlock

Updated: Jan 27

Have you ever wondered how our bodies are held together? Or how our organs stay in place?


Fascia is one of the many connective tissue substances of the body that collectively function to; bind and support, protect and insulate, transport and store. Primarily fascia stabilises and separates structures, thereby ensuring our organs stay in place and our bodies can achieve functional movement patterns without restriction.

The thing that fascinates me most about fascia is its responsibility to maintain a balance in tension throughout the body. Thus exposes an explanation to posture change in adaption to injury or compensatory patterns of the body in response to daily stresses. This clinically gives one explanation for shoulder pain following a history of ankle sprains or low back pain following a calf or hamstring strain.

Fascia surrounds our musculoskeletal system, which prevents friction allowing the smooth gliding of structures over one another. Following injury the body repairs by laying down scar tissue this can form adhesions or imbalances within this fascial network, forcing other muscle groups to offload the site of initial injury. And this can predisposes a weak link for new injury.

Post operatively fascia can respond in a similar way especially around our organs and lead to a disturbance in physiological functioning of the body. A restriction here can cause tethering of associated visceral fascia and wider spread musculoskeletal involvement.

Fascia is a great example of the reciprocal relationship between our body’s structure and function. Referring to our musculoskeletal system and the physiological process it houses for our bodies to survive.

Osteopathic assessment allows us to observe how our bodies move and restrictions within the musculoskeletal system. A comprehensive medical history is taken during the initial consultation and updated upon changes to your health. This helps us build a better understanding of the cause to your symptoms and isolate the tissue(s) involved.

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